La Pluie

Weather, sometimes it’s a pain in the butt. Im not an early person, but it’s worse when each day starts out rainy. Yay for rain. In addition, fall is still “sleeping.” Please wake up and bring in the cold breezes and colored leaves, Im bored of this humidity.

So my other zara package came about half a week ago and, like always, Im extremely satisfied with my purchase. My fur coat is beautiful, though its more of an off-white, a creme to be exact. Sarah coined it my “abominable snowman” jacket, but this is slightly extreme. When I picture this christmas character, it’s super huge, fluffy, and bares gray protruding teeth. Im neither huge, my jacket is not poofy, and I definitely lack gray protruding teeth. But Sarah has a knack for making me laugh at over-exaggerated remarks. Now I will be waiting for one more piece before I post a picture of my belongings: the rust colored pants that are in transit from L.A. It should be another week, another long week.

This semester is wearing me thin. I feel like Im transcending reality and fantasy. Im a living zombie, constantly moving and working. I hardly stop and when I do, I feel not-like myself. I think this is affecting my sleep. Weirdly enough, I fall asleep and it feels like Im still awake. My dreams confuse me because by the time I wake, Im trying to sift through whether what I dreamt really happened or whether it was just a dream. So far this doesn’t concern me too much.

I have a trip to asu with a friend to look forward to, so this should help me fly through the weeks until my departure. Im excited, no lie. I need this break, this semi-vacation to help me revive.

On another note, one of my friends Emily works at a zoo. I am always amused beyond compare when I visit, but in the last few days the zoo acquired an additional tiger. She’s 4 weeks old, so this definitely helps the adorable factor. Her name is Saara and playing with her is hysterical. The oversized paws and wobble she has when she walks brings a smile to your face right when you see her. Soon I should have pictures up, but I have to wait until she’s had her shots before I upload them.

Though there are probably several other things I could mention, my mind is slowly falling asleep and my bed is looking extremely comfortable at the moment. So, good night

a very old picture of two people that have made my life what it is: eventful


So aside from the hectic and haphazard class work, life is as smooth as it can be. Im trying to reorganize my binders that have become a danger zone for paper cuts due to pointy-paper ends jutting out in various places. Class work can be actively aggressive when it wants to.

So far I’ve kept both the tablet and high tech nikon on my mind, which means I definitely want it. I have this whole philosophy to let things wait a bit, then if you still have this pull towards it, then get it. Its weird, but I’ve learned if i let things rest for a set time, I don’t regret unnecessary purchases…allowing for curious research. In the mean time, i’ve dosed up on online shopping. Its an activity I’ve recently participated in, mostly because I actually like to try things on, plus I dont have physical time to drive to a mall and search during busy semesters like this.

My recent store-victims consist of both old and new ones. There’s Forever21 and Charlotte Russe (though I lean more towards F21, CR’s style is more mainstream) and then the newbies, Zara, Urban1972, topshop and others I find along the way. As I began to look, I realized the clothes I have are so contrasting. I ended up spending over 3 hrs cleaning out my closet, mostly of clothes I stopped wearing or ones I noticed were too out of place. A few pieces I still had a heart for so I slid them into a box and tucked them away.

So far I’ve collected a fascinating fur drawstring bag and awaiting a white fur coat and then a pair of rust colored high-waist vintage pants. The one thing people tend to catch on about me and my personality is that it is heavily characterized by fur and feathers, its an obsession. But once my other two collections come in, a picture will be provided.

On another note, I’ve concluded that Starbucks is my second home. Half of my life is spend in books at starbucks, if only these books were for joy reading. But at least I meet new people and old friends, for that I cant complain.

you're bored? take a pic (sarah, me)

Labor what?

so its labor day and its raining. i’ve been wanting rain for a long time, just so i could sit back, watch a movie, read a book, or just sleep. the pounding of rain on a window, seems to me, to be soothing. thank you mother nature.

our family managed to sneak in a cook out right before it started to rain, so i cant complain. but after finishing a hot dog, i went out on the town. first of all, one of my good friends megan was in town. she’s basically a full time student and comes back for the weekends to work, so after being super busy, she’s super tired. my first stop was her work place, aka my work competition. frozen yogurt employees can be very loyal. rebecca met me there and all three of us sat down, caught up, and ate a bit of yogurt. afterwards we took a little field trip to value village.

so this place is a conundrum. about 80% of the store is full of worn out, useless items. but the other 20%….is quite awesome. just take my word. for instance, i can go in, head to the magazine rack, and if im lucky, i can find Bazaar magazines for 25 cents. and i take them all! i’ve already got a nice stock and i fully plan to invest in more. on top of that, there are old, vintage like electronics…esp cameras. we all found this polaroid camera and before, rebecca found a nice old cannon she could use the lens for zooming. all in all, the place is like sand, you have to dig to find the good stuff.

after that, rebecca left for home to study and i took megan back home so she could leave again for the university. i will miss her again. but we did agree that i would visit in 2 to 3 weeks and i honestly cant wait!

i continued to venture around to starbucks, my work place, and best buy. recently i’ve been wanting a tablet. i absolutely love my laptop, but i want something a little easier to carry around for when i just want on-the-go access. what do i plan on doing with a tablet? the usual plus more. i will def use it to write/store documents, keep my pics and video, access the internet…but i also hope to do more videos/skyping with it, in addition to using it for reading. i’ve never invested in ebooks before, but now is a good of time as ever. while at best buy, i looked at there cameras too. i need something that is a little more high tech and sharper…and i, of course, want to transfer the pics to my computer. right now im just winging things with a normal $100 camera, my ipod, or cell phone. this needs to be fixed. in general, the nikons caught my eye. hello christmas list.

mmm, well, that’s all i can think of for this quick update. back to class work i suppose.

its got to pop

Im still alive

Well hello earth, im back. Between my last post and now, various events have bombarded my life. Some great, others in the middle, and some could say should never have happened. But guess what, they did. And Im still here, happy, energetic, random, and still a clutz.

So after April came May, then June…and the ever famous summer. As my freshman year of college wrapped up, I realized how many years I have been in school. Way too many. When I was 11 or so, I would “play” with my older cousin who was in high school. He seemed so much more older, which he was. But when my little brain started to imagine and try to grasp the conept of high school, well….it couldn’t. It seemed sooooo far away! Like I would never get old enough and that I would never be able to do the things my cousin could. Ohhhhh my little mind, how it still makes me laugh. But here I am, I’ve graduated high school, finished up my freshman year of college, and now barreling through my sophmore year. It would be naive of me to think that it should get easier, but I sure was hoping the stress would stay limited. mmmm, speaking/thinking too soon really should be prohibited. This semester is filled with 3 classes. 3 classes? Oh man, she has it easy…bitch thinks she has it hard. Well, maybe I dont. But trying to take Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Chemistry all at once seems to suffocate me enough. Esp when all the syllibi and assignments start to run together…bahhh. AP biology was nice, real nice now that I look back.

Well, this year is famous. Crazy weather….like my first earthquake. Thats right, Im no longer an earthquake virgin. The various catastrophies like the hurricanes and tsunamis have left the globe thinking twice about precautions. 2011 you sly devil.

Oh, and the ending of the Harry Potter movie series. Ending is a bit harsh I guess, at least for our human minds to grasp. Imagination just doesnt like to hear that there’s an end or a limitation….so I guess we can all just agree that J.K. Rowling started forming carpal tunnel disease and cut the series short or something. But I seriously loved it! The adventures, the many movie theater memories….esp midnight premieres…..I mean, I can proudly say I grew up with the movies/books.

In addition to wizards and such, I managed to have fun in the sun with my lovely muggle friend cc. Oh a whole week at the beach….seems so much and so little at the same time. My favorite activity (other than shopping)? A juggle between hotel hoping, running in the rain (which felt more like a continuous waterfall wherever I went), and playing in the gigantic golf course sprinklers. But when it comes down to it, its not always the activities that make it worthwhile, its the people you are with. And thats all I needed.

There was another time in which our family travelled down to our beach condo, and that time Alexis came. God I love this girl and how utterly unique she can be. We soaked up the sun, bewitched boys, and shopped together like never before. But lets just pause and go back to the boys. Wow. Mine was one weirdo that I dropped quick. Usually my beach trips other a wider variety of guys. I can choose from tan or white, brown hair/blonde hair, super buff or toned…I mean its like ordering pizza. But maybe it was the time of year that we went…idk. I wont ever know. But I digress. Short story, the boy told me that when he saw me he knew I was his future wife. Ok, yeah….hahaha, funny. I see, just random talk to get you smiling. But no, this dude was serious. And then after a day of texting I get various messages saying he “loves me.” Hold up. Pause. Delete. Forget and never look back. And that right there is my funny beach boy story.

But before I said goodbye to my lovely summer vacation/break, I rounded up a few friends and we went camping. Island camping. An evening out on the lake, listening…or lets say blasting music, riding the jet ski in the pitch black, ordering pizza, canoeing until 4 am, and of course making a fire was the ever so superb and perfect ending to my summer.

But that’s that, onward I go…marching to another drum. Sophmore year, here I come.

me, caroline, and cc. one of those lazy summer days where we randomly meet on the turf

find something to do, and make it a contest

saying goodbye is never easy. Fabian and Christian, my lovely german friends

being goofy shows your true potential of being happy

i wish i could carry the beach with me everywhere

my life in fastfoward. jenna, me, cc

our island/camping getaway. britt, ashley, me, emily

davidson. a yellow brick wall. so simplistic, yet my ultimate favorite